Maple Park Community Garden
Burlington, Ontario
L7S 2J8
Making Roots
Making Roots, 2022
Teresa Seaton and John Highley (Burlington, Ontario)
Mosaic glass
This project is an initiative of the City of Burlington’s Celebrating Diversity through Public Art program. Making Rootsof your own takes time, patience, perseverance, and determination. A person’s personal journey through life, finding their own blend of themselves in their chosen community is symbolized in this artwork. The five different colours of glass radiating from a blended core root, represent the mosaic fabric of life in our community. As you view the various roots in this artwork, you are invited to contemplate the communities you belong to and celebrate your own integration and diversity.
Artist Biography:
John Highley and Teresa Seaton are two local accomplished glass artists, who have worked together on group collaborations, gallery shows and exhibitions since 2010. They have achieved national success with an exhibition at the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery. John specializes in detailed and intricate mosaic glass designs while Teresa’s uniquely sculptural copper foiled glass is an artistic trademark. Together they have embarked on a more conceptual large-scale direction of work that utilizes both their strengths.
For more information about the City of Burlington’s Public Art program, visit burlington.ca/publicart.