Burlington, Ontario
L7S 1T7
Vintage Lakeshore
Vintage Lakeshore
Jason Diesbourg, 2016
Digital illustration on vinyl banner
Using the style of vintage poster art, Diesbourg’s design is a love letter to Burlington’s waterfront. The artwork illustrates the many layers of the waterfront. Perhaps you are sitting on a patio at a local restaurant enjoying a refreshment as your mind wanders across the street, the lush trees call out for you to look beyond. Waiting there is a beautiful park that transforms itself into a place for festivals, kite-flying, or just a spot to relax under a tree. All of this is next to the glistening waters of Lake Ontario. Boats relax and birds dance through the sky, enjoying the summer day in front of the impressive backdrop of the Skyway bridge. To show the diversity of the people who are welcomed to the waterfront, Diesbourg used a rainbow of colours found in the banners located around Burlington’s downtown. Just as the people of Burlington are represented by many colours, so are the people in this design.
The Local Artist Program is designed to tell local stories using local artists. The 2016 program commissioned two medium-scale murals throughout the city. These commissions were open exclusively to Burlington artists. Free professional development opportunities were offered to assist artists with the application process and project development.
For more information about the City of Burlington's Public Art program, visit www.burlingtonpublicart.com