Tansley Woods Community Centre
Burlington, Ontario
L7M 4J8
Birds of the World
Birds of the World, 2022
Hope Flynn (Burlington, Ontario)
This project is an initiative of the City of Burlington’s Celebrating Diversity through Public Art program. Birds of the World represents that 1 out of every 66 births in Canada will be born within the autism spectrum. These birds reflect on the artist’s personal life as she was diagnosed with autism. Hope could not speak until she was four years old, the only way she could communicate was through PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). People with autism use the PECS symbols in speech therapy to describe words.
About the Artist:
Hope Flynn is an emerging autistic visual artist. Hope graduated from OCAD University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree specializing in Drawing and Painting. Since graduating, Hope’s artwork has focused on the realism of animal paintings. She has received grant funding from Ontario Art Council and has sold over 400 custom animal paintings worldwide.
For more information about the City of Burlington’s Public Art program, visit burlington.ca/publicart.