Burlington, Ontario
The Trillium Photographic Club
The Trillium Photographic Club was formed in 1992. Trillium’s aim is to promote the enjoyment of photography by providing the venue for photographers to meet and exchange ideas and information. In addition to regular club meetings with speakers, clinics and photographic exhibitions, there are opportunities for outings and social gatherings. Trillium is a participating member of the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA) and the Greater Toronto Council of Camera Clubs (GTCCC). We welcome new members, new ideas and new challenges. Join us to learn, improve and enjoy photography. We meet most Tuesdays, September through May, at 7:30 PM at: East Plains United Church, 375 Plains Road East, Burlington (Aldershot), Ontario. Guests are welcome, but there is a guest fee on nights that we have special speakers (as set out in our on-line program.)